Equipping every disciple to make disciples.

Be a disciple.

Many people know who Jesus is and could tell you what He accomplished on the cross for their salvation. But when it comes to experiencing Christ, and having a vibrant, life-giving, every day relationship with Him, many people are found lacking.

It goes without saying, but before you make disciples, you have to first be a disciple. Our goal is to help you experience and enjoy intimate communion and fellowship with Christ, each and every moment of each and every day.


Make disciples.

On numerous occasions, when someone truly encountered Jesus, they couldn’t help but then go and tell everyone about Him—often times, even when Jesus told them to remain quiet.

Yet today, did you know that most Christians go their entire lives without ever telling one person about Jesus? Most Christians also never lead someone else to Christ, and fail to obey Jesus’ command to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).

As you abide with Christ, we want to help you share the gospel in your every day life, start disciple-making movements, and leverage your life to carry the good news to the nations.

Behind the name.


Jesus is the way.

In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” All of our focus and attention is on Christ, because salvation and eternal life is found in Him and Him alone.

The early church was
called “the Way.”

In the book of Acts, the early church so resembled Jesus, that people referred to them as “the Way.” We, too, want to be conformed into the image of Christ, so that when others look at us, they see Jesus.

We want to call people back to genuine faith in Jesus.

Many Christians and churches today have drifted away from various principles and practices that the early Christians lived by and the early church was built on.