
We love the
local church.

In Acts 11:23, we read that Barnabas “came and saw the grace of God” and the work that God had recently accomplished in Antioch. Verse 23 says that Barnabas “was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.” For the next year, both Barnabas and Paul “met with the church and taught a great many people” (v. 26), and “a great many people were added to the Lord” (v. 24).

It goes without saying that the weekly demands of ministry are great. But if we’re not careful, the pressing matters that we are required to address at our churches each day will keep us from having intentional conversations as a leadership team about how we can disciple and equip our people to walk in the ways of Jesus “with steadfast purpose.”

That’s where we come in! We want to come alongside you to pray for you, encourage you, and support you, while providing weekly talking points to use with your team, so that you can prioritize those vital conversations that are crucial for the health of your church.

How we can help:



It helps to have outside eyes review and evaluate the health and discipleship model at your church. We’d love to be those eyes, in order to help you lead the church that God has called you to lead.

Working sessions

By no means do we want to push a particular discipleship model upon your church. It is our goal to simply start the conversation and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your leadership team from there.


Your discipleship pathway is only as strong as the strategy behind it. We’d love to share various resources and strategies that have been helpful at other churches.

Choose your plan




